TUTO : Unlocking the Galaxys S5 [ VERIZON ] Bootloader


Before You Try This Method You Need To Download And Install
eMMC_CID_Checker_.apk And Check Your CID

Your CID Number will be the first two numbers in the eMMC Box under CID
if it's "15" = Bootloader That Can Be Unlocked And Custom TWRP Recovery Can Be Installed
if it's "11" =Bootloader that CANNOT Be Unlocked. You can only have root through Lollipop 5.0 with SafeStrap Recovery or FlashFire. You can use MarshmallowROMs but only non-rooted one, preferably with the use of SafeStrap. This Will Allow Easy downgrade to Lollipop to reroot and flashing of certain modifiedMarshmallow ROMs and mod zips

let's begin !!!

------ Directions For Users With CID 15 Samsung eMMC -------

1. Download EMMC_15_Root_Bootloader_Unlock S5_QB2_PB1.zip

2. Unzip
Copy the following to your External SD card:
RootS5 Folder,
EMMC_15_SafeStrap_QA1_6_0_1_MM_Bootloader_Unlock_A IO.zip,

3. Reboot Phone to Download Mode (Pwr +Vol Dwn+Home)

4. Use Odin 3.12 and load the COMBINATION_VZW_FA44_G900VVRU2APA1_VZW2APA1_257265 6_REV00_user_mid_noship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 firmware in the AP Slot

5. Flash and let the phone reboot. It will reboot to recovery and finish install then it will reboot and take about 20 seconds to boot.

6. If you do not have an External SD Card, copy the following NOW to your Internal Storage:
EMMC_15_SafeStrap_QA1_6_0_1_MM_Bootloader_Unlock_A IO.zip,

7. Use the File Manager in the app drawer of the phone and install Apex_Launcher.apk press home button and set Apex as the default launcher.
Install Superuser.apk, Busybox.apk and SafeStrapKK.apk . Do not open anything yet.

8. Now Install tr_v2.apk.
Open TowelRoot and CLICK MAKE IT RAIN . It should tell you you have succeeded.

9. Now Open Superuser app and click "New User" to install it.
Once done, open SuperSU and update the SU binaries using the "NORMAL" method. It will tell you you need to reboot. You can skip doing this. (If the Superuser install hangs for more than 5 minutes reboot phone and try to install it again.)

10. Now open the BusyBox app, grant SuperSU access and install BusyBox.

11. Now open SafeStrap, grant SuperSu access and click "install recovery". If the SafeStrap recovery fails to install, make sure BusyBox is installed by rerunning the BusyBox app (it will tell you if BusyBox is installed) if not click "install" again, reboot phone and open SafeStrap and try to install recovery again

12. Once SafeStrap Recovery is installed click "reboot to SafeStrap Recovery".

13. Once in SafeStrap Recovery choose install and select:
EMMC_15_SafeStrap_QB2_6_0_1_MM_Bootloader_Unlock_A IO.zip

14. Install the zip. The phone will power off. Reboot the phone to TWRP Recovery with Pwr+VolUp+Home

15. You will now have an Unlocked Bootloader and TWRP recovery Installed. Now whoose Wipe > Advanced Wipe. Select Dalvik Cache; Data; System; Cache, and swipe the swipe to wipe bar. When done, click the back button, click Install, and choose:
You're done! You will have stock rooted Marshmallow QB2 Build installed with an unlocked bootloader and custom recovery.

----- Directions For Users With CID 11 Toshiba eMMC ------

2. Unzip
Copy the following to your External SD card:
Root S5 Folder,
and the TouchWiz ROM you want to install.

3. Reboot Phone to Download Mode (Pwr +Vol Dwn+Home)

4. Use Odin 3.12 and load the COMBINATION_VZW_FA44_G900VVRU2APA1_VZW2APA1_257265 6_REV00_user_mid_noship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 in the AP Slot

5. Flash and let the phone reboot. It will reboot to recovery and finish install then it will reboot and take about 20 seconds to boot.

6. If you do not have an External SD Card, copy the following NOW to your Internal Storage:
Root S5 Folder,
and whatever TouchWiz ROM you want to install.

7. Use the File Manager in the app drawer of the phone and install Apex_Lancher.apk press home button and set Apex as the default launcher.
Install Superuser.apk, Busybox.apk and SafeStrapKK.apk do not open anything yet.

8. Now Install tr_v2.apk.
Open TowelRoot and CLICK MAKE IT RAIN . It should tell you you have 


9. Now Open Superuser app and click "New User" to install it.
Once done, open SuperSU and update the SU binaries using the "NORMAL" method. It will tell you you need to reboot. You can skip doing this. (If the Superuser install hangs for more than 5 minutes reboot phone and try to install it again.)

10. Now open the BusyBox app, grant SuperSU access and install BusyBox.

11. Now open SafeStrap, grant SuperSu access and click "install recovery". If the SafeStrap recovery fails to install, make sure BusyBox is installed by rerunning the BusyBox app (it will tell you if BusyBox is installed) if not click "install" again, reboot phone and open SafeStrap and try to install recovery again

12. Once SafeStrap Recovery is installed click "reboot to SafeStrap Recovery".

13. Once in SafeStrap Recovery, choose what firmware you want to be on:
Lollipop 5.0 Firmware=EMMC_11_PB1_5_0_1_LL_Firmware_Bootloader.zip
Marsmhallow 6.0 Firmware=EMMC_11_QA1_6_0_1_MM_Firmware_Bootloaders.zip

14. Install the firmware zip, and then flash a TouchWiz Lollipop ROM. (Here is the latest stock rooted Lollipop Rom: VZW_BPB1_ODEX_DEODEX_V9.zip). You may want to download a copy of the latest SuperSu zip, and flash if installing a Lollipop ROM that is not rooted. Remember, you cannot root Marshmallow ROMs, so do not try and flash the SuperSu zip on a Marshmallow Rom (you will softbrick if you do).

15. After you install any Lollipop ROM, you may need to reinstall SafeStrap Recovery. Most of the time you don't have to and SafeStrap can be reached by flashing the KitKat Kernel in Download Mode with ODIN. But, in some cases, when flashing a ROM that flashes a system.img instead of a system folder, you may lose SafeStrap during install. This will be the case if you install the above ROM. You can reinstall it after the ROM is booted up. A Safestrap-G900V-4.04_LL_MM.apk is included that will flash a version of SafeStrap that will allow you to reboot to SafeStrap Recovery without flashing a KitKat kernel in Odin. Install BusyBox again from the BusyBox App in the RootS5 Folder. Install Safestrap-G900V-4.04_LL_MM.apk and make sure to grant SuperSU access. It may take a few seconds to prompt. If SafeStrap is not installed, click "Install Recovery". If Safestrap is still installed click on "Uninstall Recovery", close the app, and reopen it. It should say recovery is not installed. Now click on "Install Recovery". If this doesn't work, reboot the phone and try again. Once installed, you can just click reboot to SafeStrap from the SafeStrap app and you will reboot straight to SafeStrap. Remember to flash the appropriate Kernel when leaving SafeStrap!

Download and place these on your device:
LL_KERNEL_SS-FF_Flashable.zip, and
If something bad goes wrong you can usually get back to SafeStrap by simply rebooting the phone to Download Mode and flashing NI2_stock_kernel.tar.md5. When the phone reboots, watch for the SafeStrap splash screen and enter SafeStrap.

16. Do NOT change ANY boot options in SafeStrap. ROM slots cannot be used, so you must flash to the Stock ROM slot EVERY TIME OR YOU WILL SOFTBRICK. Some functions don't work in SafeStrap, like choosing an image file to flash directly. All image files must be flashed via zip file.

3 commentaires:

  1. I'm going to be using my PC can I just use that as my external SD won't should I get an external SD out of my camera that fits in my phone

  2. thanks but stuck in logo, any idea of what happened?

    1. did you do like he wrote bc you have to follow anything step like that
